Always On The Run?

Always On The Run?

Are your days and nights starting to run together like a long sentence that keeps droning on and on without stopping or ending or changing pace or showing any kind of meaning in any one way or another? *GASP!* Are you always on the run to your phone to the conference room to the gym to your phone to the coffee shop to the dry cleaners to your phone to the office? *GASP!* It hurts me deeply to write run-on sentences, but I hope you see my point.

Life doesn’t feel good as a run-on sentence.

Some people say that they enjoy rushing from one thing to the next. Still others say that they love doing the same things in the same ways day after day. If you like and benefit from experiencing life in these ways, then that’s great! Don’t change a thing. But if you want something different for yourself, because you’re moving 100 miles per hour with zero productivity, then it’s time to make some positive changes.

If you’re always on the run, then stop! Pause for a moment to catch your breath. Look at what rushing around is doing to you. You’re over-caffeinated, and can’t sleep at night. You either eat so quickly that you forgot you ate, or you forget to eat altogether. You’re constantly stressed out and anxious. You feel absolutely exhausted. How’s all that affecting your work or school, relationships, and fitness?

Do yourself a huge favor, and get your FREE toolkit now at You’ll learn how to relax, center yourself, and move between activities with more ease and purpose. Try it out, and let me know how it goes!

Copyright 2016-2023. Tommy Truong Coaching.