Finding Peace & Quiet, Part 2

Finding Peace & Quiet, Part 2

In Part 1 of Finding Peace and Quiet, we discussed the topic of “noise” and the challenges of living and working in environments that are full of sonic unease and distraction. However, after you minimize or come to terms with all of the external sounds in your environment, you’re still left with your many thoughts and internal dialogue, which many people also experience as “noise.”

Silence surrounds you.
But in your mind, it’s as noisy as ever.
What now?

Once you’ve found some peace and quiet outside of you, it’s time to deal effectively with the disquiet inside of you. What’s the best thing to do in this situation? Sit with it. Take advantage of your current peaceful surroundings, and sit quietly with your thoughts and emotions. Just observe what’s going on in your mind without trying to fix or change it.

After awhile, you’ll be better able to distinguish between external and internal causes and effects. You’ll create a valuable opportunity to explore the contents, language, and tone of your inner dialogue. Listen to the way you talk to yourself. Are you being kind and compassionate? Or are you constantly beating yourself up? If your inner dialogue is full of bad vibes, then get rid of it! Try taking a more friendly and encouraging stance with yourself, and choose your words with more care. Almost right away, you’ll experience hugely positive benefits on the way you feel, both mentally and physically.

Finding peace and quiet isn’t just about silencing what’s around you. If your surroundings are calm but your mind continues to race wildly, it’s time to find some new tools to center yourself. Learn more with your FREE toolkit now at

Copyright 2016-2023. Tommy Truong Coaching.